Chiropractic Care:
There are 3 phases:
Phase 1 - PAIN RELIEF: This is what most people go to a doctor for, to feel better. This process is the quickest part of care. To achieve the goal of "feeling better" you will receive both adjustments and exercises in the office to get your spine and muscles functioning properly again.
Phase 2 - CORRECTION: In this phase we continue to build upon what has been achieved in phase one. We continue to bring your spine into a "normal" or natural position. At this point we start "reflexion adjustments" which are designed to restore your posture and return the natural curves and alignment of the spine.
Phase 3 - MAINTENANCE: Not everyone chooses this phase of care. However, many people do choose to have maintenance care. It is a lot like maintaing your care, if you do the small maintenance along the way you are much less likely to have a MAJOR problem later on. Small aches and pains happen, however, if you take care of them as they come they typically won't turn into a MAJOR provlem.
The exercises that we have you do in the office are prescribed by the doctor. They are designed to help strengthen your spine and surrounding musculature.
Massage Therapy:
Our chiropractic office provides specific therapy that is complimentary to their chiropractic care. Each massage therapy plan is tailored to meet the patient's unique pain condition or injury. Massage has been known to relieve muscle pain and spasms, increase a patient's range of motion, while also aiding in a patient's recovery.
Nutrional Advice:
Treatment and Prevention of Inflammation through Diet: The anti-inflammatory diet is not a cure-all, but it is among the best choices we can make—a scientifically proven way of maintaining optimum health. One of the major plusses of going on such a diet is that it provides us with steady energy and the necessary vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, and protective phytonutrients.
It is not designed as a short-term diet or a weight-loss regimen but as a dietary lifestyle. It’s a major shift away from grabbing a slice of pizza, a Twinkie and a soda and calling that “lunch.” By choosing to follow an anti-inflammatory diet, we are making a conscious choice in favor of feeling better now and in the future.
Quick Tips
Avoid white sugar and white flour.
Include carbohydrates, fat, and protein at each meal.
Read labels in the grocery store—avoid anything that is “hydrogenated” or even “partially hydrogenated.”
Keep saturated fats found in butter, cream, high-fat cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, unskinned chicken, and fatty meats to a bare minimum.
Extra-virgin olive oil should be your main cooking oil.
Decrease consumption of animal protein except for fish and moderate quantities of high-quality low-fat natural cheeses and yogurt.
Experiment with vegetable protein, especially from beans.
Remember your fiber. Fruits (especially berries), vegetables (especially beans), and whole grains are rich in fiber.
Fruits and vegetables should reflect all colors of the rainbow—and should especially include berries, tomatoes, orange and yellow fruits, and dark leafy greens. Together with mushrooms, these provide a healthy dose of your daily required phytonutrients.
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